Tuesday, May 8, 2007

W 104 F

Draft 2
Is there anybody who would not have thought of popping into a real Hungarian restaurant? To do so is not too difficult for there are many of them all over the world. Of course, most of them can be found in Hungary, therefore they are available to everyone. This essay tries to direct the inquirer in the labyrinth of behaviour pattern required in those restaurants. To be quite frank this pattern is more or less the same in every kinds of restaurants, it makes no difference whether it is a Hungarian or another one.

Visiting a restaurant alone is more and more usual and accepted even in case of a woman. Certainly it is much better for a lady to have an escort. When in restaurant, it is most desirable to keep the strict rules of etiquette. Well behaving begins not right in the restaurant but in the childhood, in upbringing. A person who wants to visit a place like that, should be aware of the importance of the right choice in clothes, taste and timing. The most „sensitive” part of the day is lunchtime and the less serious, most permissive and indulgent is night.

Once inside a restaurant it is advisable to settle down as fast as it is possible just to avoid the scrutinizing glances which can make the new-comers feel uncomfortable and being under observation. After sitting down do not begin immidiately to wave or cry for the waiter; he will come the moment that he has the time. When he appears there is really no need to attack him with questions as where he had been, what he was doing and that whether he was blind. These kind of amiable questions do not lead nowhere but it can be taken for granted that we will be the last to be served, the soup will be ice-cold and above this all there will be some hair swimming in it.

When the waiter comes to take the orders, always the woman is the first to call for and only afterwards comes the man. Males must be courteous and they have to be aware of the fact that ordering the meal for women is their task, too.

When the meal is on the table, eating can begin only if everybody in the company is ready for lunch. It is absolutely ungallant and ugly to eat noisily, to speak with a mouse full or to use hands for eating instead of the cutlery.

It is extremely shocking when a man tries to grope about the lady’s thigh under the table and the only result the male can achieve is that after some attempt every guest in the room will watch the „fight” between them. In some case it happens that the man succeeds in fumbling and tries to go further right in the restaurant. It is not sure that this kind of attitude is expedient. Maybe it is for the girl but the spectators of the show sooner or later ( rather sooner ) will be awkwardly embarrassed.

There is a special type of mankind who likes to smoke a cigarette after the meal. If the restaurant in which we are sitting is a non-smoking one then do not try to bargain with the staff just to practise the favourite hobby. If there is at least one ashtray on the table it is sure that smoking is permitted but it must be certain that the table-society will bear the smoke. Otherwise it is wishful not to smoke in an eating-place.

It shows a great deal of uncivility if any member of the friendly circle starts to read a newspaper either being brought by himself or for request by the waiter. This habit is characteristic mostly of men.

Another cardinal point of behaviour is the mode and quantity of drinking. First and foremost it must be evident for everyone to know when and how to stop drinking. It is recommendable to keep in mind that there is no need to spoil the meeting with too much drinking and with the effects of it.

The heart of the matter is to stay more or less sober. If the worst happens, do not try to persuade the leader of the gipsy band to fiddle the favourite song on the violin, but do try to reach the loo within the possible shortest time and without anyone’s notice.

For those who admire their tiny little doggies, restaurants with „Dogs not allowed” notice-boards are not convenient. So please, do not begin to argue with the personnel. If it is absolutely impossible to leave the little darlings outside then there is nothing else to do than changing the original idea and going into the restaurant opposite this one.

One of the most indispensable room of a restaurant is the lavatory. It is sad but true that not too many people are aware of the importance of it: good taste requires washing hands before sitting down to eat.

As it can be seen from the listed examples, good behaviour is really an important factor of the social contact, even in restaurants. And we can also draw a conclusion that these kind of elements are the requirements of not only the Hungarian restaurants but all the restaurants’. It is possible to stand all demands by learning, but it is easier when it starts to become more and more a habit. If practice is not attainable, the most effective development can be reached by reading some „How to” expert books on the topic.

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