Tuesday, May 8, 2007

W 043 F

Draft 2

Scientific researches prove that eating some kinds of food, for example, apple, chocolate and so on stimulates the brain and helps in study by activating the mental energy supply. Sitting for long hours in the library closely appartains to university life. There is a rule that eating and drinking is forbidden in libraries. Although it is, some poor students try to sniggle foods or drinks into the library because after sitting out some back-breaker lectures they are hungry and have rarely enough time to have lunch or just bolt a sandwich before going to the library. They may find themselves in embarrassing situations when librarians catch them. This work will show methods on how to eat remaining unnoticed in libraries besides "devouring the books".
Preparations at home or in the dormitory are essential. The dressing, the clothes have to be appropriate for carry off the action. It is not difficult to hide a chewing-gum or a little piece of chocolate in the hip-pocket, but a sandwich or a banana will not go in. At this point students have to face a difficulty. When they arrive at the library together with their coats they have to leave their bags at the cloakroom, which raises the problem of how to take in bigger cribs. I would reccommend them to dress in loose-fitting shirts or pullovers under which a sandwich or a pocket of biscuits can be hidden.

After getting in to the library without any failure it is lucky to find a place to sit where it is easy to be unobserved. For example behind a shelf or a bookcase. If there are not such places students must be careful while eating.

I would like to give some advice relating directly to the whole process of eating. It is unfortunate to eat candies from rustling pockets or paper-bags, because it may disturb the other students. Preparing at home students often make sandwiches and think they will not make any noise. But biting into it in the library there can be a great surprise. It is that the pepper can make enough noise that make everybody see towards the source of it. In this case I suggest students that they pretend innocence, put face surprised at how people can be so audacious that they make noise in a library, and look around searching for the committer. Or there is an other way students can make the noise not to be heard. If someone wants to pick a candy out of a pocket, it can be silenced by pretending a sneeze. Students also like to manducate when they study over their books. It fits to the place if it is not noisy.

This paragraph is a piece that would be entitled "How Not to Eat in a Library". One's eating habits influence the picture about one's personality, so munching is always disgusting and make one's character repulsive. It is true particularly in libraries where every student is engrossed in their studies and works, and a noisy chewing is not just disturbing but foul. So it is out of place to munch there. There are other antipathetic ways of behaviour in connection with eating. If someone eats meals that sit heavy on the stomach the result is not nice at all. I refer to the belching. Students have to accomodate to each other in libraries, so these noises are not likable there. Gormandizing is not attractive, either. My advice is that students chew every single bit well, because if they do so it does not make noise and it is healthy. Light foods such as fruits, biscuits, rolls, buns, cakes are likely to be recommended in places like libraries.

In this part I will show further advice, examples, solutions or tricks about how to eat and how to pretend not eating in libraries. For being safe that they will not be caught students should pay attention to the finish of taking a meal. Mouth and face must not be smudged with jam, fat or butter, and morsels must not be left there because it will reveal the fact of eating. And of course students should clear away their leavings, crumbs, serviettes or drops of drinks dribbled onto the table, the chair or the carpet. Although this writing is mainly about eating I would give just a little piece of advice for those students who after finishing the meal want to drink as well. They do it because they always do so at home or they just want a rinse after meal. They have to be watchful when they drink, because it is difficult to cover up the tracks, for example if a cup of black coffee has been spilt. In this case perpetrators can not conceal their identities, and they are sure to be caught. There were some scandalous cases that the librarians have informed me about here at Janus Pannonius University. The most memorable one is that some illuminated boys stayed at the library, but one of the librarians noticed their rather big bottle of wine under a desk and these boys were expelled from the library for ever.

I gave my pieces of advice to show that it can be avoided that students get in a situation like that. I dared write down my suggestions because they are based on my personal succesful experiences. I hope I could help the poor hungry students who want to go on eating in the library but did not have the courage to do it. If someone in spite of my advice is not able to eat in a library, he or she is not enough hungry or not enough good at tricks. Otherwise it would be more friendly if it was not forbidden to eat in university libraries, or foods and drinks could be bought at the entrance. From the earnings librarians could get more salary, and they would not be angry about hungry students like now.

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