Tuesday, May 8, 2007

W 053 F

Draft 2

The general well - being and the effectiveness of working is dependent on the atmosphere of the place of work. Spending one third of the day at the same place has a great influence on the person. That is why as efficiency, comfort and pleasantness should be taken into account while designing an office. These features are often sorted out due to mounting costs of the constructing of facilities. Often inappropriate furniture is installed - either because of neglect or financial reasons - endangering the employees' health. Using up-to -date office equipment saves time and makes working less enervating.

A modern office is designed to operate in an energy efficient manner by balancing external environmental influences with the internal environmental requirements. Current designs base the importance on electronic infrastructure, embracing controls, communications, internal environment and information processing. It is vital for offices to optimise their energy use. Presence detectors should be installed to control the climate, keeping the temperature and humidity on a permanent level. Choosing the right illumination is essential in an office. The energy saver fluorescent tubes are the most suitable. They use sixty percent less energy, and last eight times longer than ordinary light bulbs. Also they provide twenty five percent more brightness. Quietness is a key element while creating an efficient working environment. A sound insulation system accompanied by double glazed windows can prevent sounds filtering in from outside. Quiet music has positive stimulating effect on the person under constant pressure of concentrating. A well equipped office should employ an audio stereo system that have four active loudspeakers with built - in tremble and bass amplifiers on each wall.

Working in a office could not be imagined without the use of computers. A computer not just makes work quick and easy but with the access of the Internet, it provides wide-range information service and global communications, connecting users from all over the world. As the number of people who work with computers has risen, the danger of possible harmful effects has grown. Besides mental stress, physical problems can also occur. There is risk of eye strain caused by the glare of the screen. To avoid this, it is necessary to have the right equipment, such as low radiation, flicker- free screens .The sunlight reflecting on the screen can seriously damage the retina. Photocromatic glass that darkens in strong sunlight is becoming common, while electrochromatic glass even allows windows to be switched on and off. Tendon injuries, backache and headache can be prevented by installing the proper furniture : an adequate desk with an adjustable chair that supports the back. It is vital to make sure that the screen is in level with the eyes. The constant pressure, that the feet are exposed to, could be relieved by using a footrest. It also progresses good blood circulation.

Keeping plants in an office does not just have aesthetical reasons. They are also the best weapon against the so-called " sick building syndrome". This illness is caused by invisible and odourless gases emanating from synthetic materials, cleaning fluids, photocopying chemicals and glues. They do not only cause allergic reactions - runny noses, irritated eyes, feeling of nausea and dizziness - but also damage the nervous system the liver and kidneys. A few victims may become permanently afflicted. The risk is especially great in tightly sealed, energy efficient office buildings, where the air does not circulate freely. Laboratory experiments confirmed that plants such as dieffenbachia, English ivy, date palm can sop up dangerous gases and decrease the risk of the syndrome.

They also successfully use human nourishment while converting carbon dioxide to produce oxygen. Choosing the right materials can help solving this problem. Pressed wood and synthetic carpets let out large amount of pollutants. It is advisable to have furniture made out of natural materials like pine, oak or cherry tree. Synthetic carpets could be replaced by woollen carpets or natural wood floor.

Besides physical and health problems the significant mental stress should also be considered. While normal work pressures can stimulate performance, a stress overload often leads to problems. The pleasant and friendly environment of the office could successfully ease this stress. Why not bring a bit of home and outside world into the office?

Creating a user friendly atmosphere begins with the constructing. The restricted space of an office can be opened up by huge roof windows. These can help create a roomy feel and keep a small space from being claustrophobic. By smuggling a bit of nature into the office - with a little imagination - the feeling of working in the open air can be experienced. The strict perpendicularity of the walls can be softened up by using round and oval forms. As for the colour scheme it is best to avoid sharp contrasts. It is necessary to select colours that work together.
Tones have proven effect on the nervous system. Experiments have recorded that brighter colours raise blood pressure, while the duller ones lower it. As pastel shades evoke tranquillity and relaxation, they are more suitable for office walls. The colours of the walls and the floor should be harmonious with the furniture. Design details make all the difference. The decoration of an office should be casually unpretentious.

An office should not just house a large collection of high technology but also provide a healthy and agreeable working environment. It would make work more efficient and enjoyable too. As a result the general attitude towards working could be changed.

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