Tuesday, May 8, 2007

W 092 F

In the 1970s the most easily accessible source of information was the newspaper. In Hungary the best known daily papers were Népszabadság, Magyar Hírlap, Szabadföld and here in Transdanubia Dunántúli Napló. Like all others, Dunántuli was a paper of the Socialist Workers' Party, no freedom of speech was allowed; this could only publish news stories that favoured the Party and the Soviets. Dunántúli was a reasonably informative newspaper, including moderately important news. Few articles were written in the way most readers would imagine an ideal news-item to be written; they did not always report on the most recent and relevant news. However, there were some news values demonstrated in the articles. This paper will examine how two of these values, negativity and facility, were represented and presented in certain articles published in Dunántúli Napló on 4 December, 1976. It was a Saturday, when people stayed at home or even if they went to work they finished earlier than on weekdays, so they had more time to read newspaper. First, however, a general view of the report news will be given.

This issue of Dunántúli Napló contained 8 pages, out of which on the first, the second, the third, and on the fifth we could find national and international news; in the rest of the paper there were cultural ("When was Father Christmas alive?", "Forefathers in Rudabánya”) and literary columns and reports about what happened in our town, in Pécs, and in its neighbourhood in the last twenty-four hours. The paper also included advertisements, but not as many as now. The ratio between home and foreign news stories was 2:1. Most world news articles share common feature: they rejected everything that was anti-Soviet and was related to Western societies.

Result and Discusion
In the following paper I am going to deal with the negativity of the news stories, which were published on 4th and 5th December in 1976. The news story reported that in Cuba Fidel Castro became the Chairman of the Council of State on that day, had one of the biggest coverage. Kádár János the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Worker's Party, Losonczi Pál the president of the Presidium of Hungarian People's Republic, and Lázár György, President of the Council of Ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic, sent him a telegram of congratulation.

I read through the two newspaper and I obtained a statement that this issue as well as the others are characterised by favouring the Soviets and disapproving of the West.
What the Hungarian news reports shared was that they mostly reported on the condition and development of our Hungary's heavy and light industry at that time. Like the articles about the coal, gas and oil consumption and about young miners in Mecsek, what I will also observe this report in detail.

The articles about Fidel Castro's installation ceremony and about the West-European Union's General Assembly were all dominated by a news value which, according to Allan Bell, is called negativity. "Damage, injury and death. Conflict between news, war reporting, is one of the earliest historical forms of news and a stimulus for the growth of the news media." In general, reporting on conflicts between people or countries, political parties or religious groups is considered to be examples of negativity. The bigger the damage or injury is, the more negative the article writing is, and the bigger coverage it gets. You can often read news stories dominated by negativity because many catastrophes, disasters and conflicts occur in everyday life. Journalists can make advantage of this common characteristic of people's.

On the fifth page of the paper there were two articles characterised by negativity. The first was long report in two columns, including ten proportioned paragraphs. The other was shorter also in two columns in four paragraphs. One of them reported about the installation ceremony; the other described the recommendations of the West-European Assembly. Real aims, undiminished development, about the national economic plan in 1977 and about the guiding principles of estimates.

Negativity in the first article had two levels: opposition to the Soviets and disagreement between China and Cuba. In order to inform the readers about all the details, the reporter used one named source, Castro's speech, but there was no other detail about where he had obtained this information. Although the only fact included to the title was the ceremony, the news story also summarised Castro's ideology. The installation was the most significant international, current event. Fidel Castro, who was helping to build socialism, was the secretary of the Cuban Communist Party and delivered a speech of thanks on 4 December.

The ideological ground of the Cuban revolution was the Marxism - Leninism. Castro favoured the Soviet's consistent peace policy. He convicted China's tragic distortion under Mao's Pekingan leadership, which betrayed the concern of the national revolution and lead astray the Chinese nation. " A Mao-féle pekingi vezetés elárulta a nemzeti forradalom ügyét és félrevezette a kínai népet."(4) China's big fault was that they supported the NATO, the army of the west of the capitalism; and they abused Soviets openly and attacked Cuba treacherously.

Instead of simply stating that China and Cuba could not agree about the idea or ideology of the national revolution, the author of the article also wrote about the causes of the disagreement; thus the article became more effective and informative. As a result the affair was made more complicated and more severe.

The other short article was about the West European Union's General Assembly, which on Thursday had come to its end in Paris. In this Western political circle the anti-Soviet atmosphere was predominant. The only fact included in the title was the end of this assembly, but the news story also summarised the consequences of the meeting and the recommendation, which was made public. By giving details about the meeting and about the western politics , negative factors or elements was highlighted more efficiently; reader were told that it was four day long and that this community propound a certain west European leaders political strategies more plainly. The writer of this article, whose name was not given, also considered it important to mention that in western leader orbits the aim is still to keep awake the anti-Soviet atmosphere, and they want to achieve a politically one-sided west European collective military structure. The news-writer also used specific vocabulary to express the negativity of the events. For example: deformed, one-sided politics, miss-shaped, right-sided media, propaganda slogans. "a NATO megõrzését és össszetartásának megóvását nyilvánítja az europai tartós béke egyedüli katonai biztosítékának".(3) The east European countries were desperate for Western aid, it seemed well past time to say goodbye to all that.

What was common in these article was that they all reported on events doing harm to many people and including political conflicts. The main value in them was negativity, it was emphasised by not merely listing what had happened but by giving important details, referring to different sources and using words that mean or suggest something negative.

Besides negativity facility ("The degree to which a story contains the kinds of facts and figures on which hard news thrives: locations, names, sums of money, numbers of all kinds.” 1) was a frequent news value represented in the articles of this particular issue of Dunántúli Napló. The more numbers, data, names and references are included in an article, the higher the facility-level, and the more precise the news-item becomes. Using many data makes the article more informative and authentic; the reader can grab the essence more easily.

In this newspaper all articles were based on well-authenticated news, but three of them could be considered as more facile than the rest; each of the three reported on Hungarian matters. One of them appeared on the fifth page in three column including about 500 words. It summarised the young people's life in coal-basin of the Mecsek. It also informed the readers about the ratio between the planed and the real productions. This article provide an inspection to young coal miner's life on workers lodging. The writer gave information about the reason for the increased need for more money , because the salary off the minors is little and the substance of the buses which carry them to Béta-bánya, where they work, deteriorate rapidly year by year. Inspite that they won the Hungarian People's Republic's outstanding brigade right.
However, this was the only article in which there were locations, names mentioned, referred to the salary of the workers (five thousand forint), and the exact source of news also has been indicated. The report mentioned the important strategies of factory life. For example, specialist help new workers adaptation so it is easier them to accept their life in coal-mine. But this young have not got opportunity for entertainment because their is no place instead of their workers longing where they play chess or card. "Aztán arról is lehetne beszélni, hogy a fiataloknak kevés szórakozási lehetõség kínálkozik."(2)

Five name were also mentioned who were asked about their life their work and what kind of changes they want. " Szeretnénk bányászegyenruhát. Rangot adna. Szeretnénk, ha a szocialista brigádok betartanák az évnyitón tett ígéreteiket." "több fiatalnak kellene vezetõ beosztásban lennie."(2) Three of them were cutter working in Zobák-puszta, the 4th hewer in Béta-bánya, the 5th was the member of KISZ KB the leader of the youth in Mecsek Colliery. Photo was given of them and the author of the article also named himself, Lombosi Jenõ, which made the news story believable, valid and provided the readers with a rather satisfactory amount of information.

The other report I mentioned earlier that was also facile is on the title-page, and it is about the Central Factory Unit of the Glovesfactory in Pécs, which finished a difficult but successful year.

Considering all these facts one can conclude that the examined articles published on 4 December, 1976 in Dunántúli Napló reported both world or home news; and although these were not always free from political pressure, they represented a news value; two of them were negativity and facility. The writer provided information from many sources in order to increase the level of these values, so that events could be believed easily. Perhaps it would be fascinating to examine how these values are demonstrated in an issue of Dunántúli Napló since the methods might be completely recent. If I would summarise my thoughts, I can say that most of the articles are about the greatness of communism and its ideology, and also the disapproval of the Western world.

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